An International Pinball Company
Team Pinball is a pinball design company founded in 2016 by three friends sharing a passion for vintage games and specialised in the conception from scratch of brand new pinball machines tailored to your like!
With over ten years experience in electronic engineering, software writing and pinball design, Team Pinball partners up with artists, sound designers, video game designers and dozens of subcontractors to turn game concepts into reality.

The trio created their first pinball machine in 2016, Mafia Pinball, which has been exposed at worldwide shows and competitions. Only ten specimens have been conceived and they have all been sold. The company aims to commercialise their machines all over the world and ignites their gaming passion in people from all ages and countries.
Team Pinball is one of a kind company born from a a shared pinball machine passion and particularly popular among pinball collectors and 60’s nostalgic players.
Here are some examples of what Funtronic did for Team Pinball:
- Electronic Board Conception
- Control System design of the machines:
Unique embedded architecture leveraging the power of modern components such as the Raspberry Pi. The system is based on a single IO board for the input signals and to control LEDs, motors, coils and all pinball elements. The system has been CE and FCC approved and machines have been shipped all over the world.

Here is an introductory video about the Mafia Pinball Machine:
Here is the link for more information about the company: